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Maximizing Productivity in Your Workday

One of the most common goals of individuals is to increase their productivity. However, many of us don’t have a concrete plan in place to achieve this goal. Tony Robbins’ philosophy focuses on empowering people to make better use of their time. In this article,...

Zoom’s New Features: What You Need to Know

Zoom has been making waves lately with its new features and updates. If you’re not familiar with Zoom, it is a video conferencing platform that allows users to connect online. It’s been used for everything from business meetings to online classes....

Does Anything Compare to In-Person Meetings?

Face-to-face relationships are essential for several reasons, not least because they provide valuable opportunities to build trust and strengthen ties. They also deepen the sense of shared history and make collaboration easier. A study published in the Journal of...

Digital Cleaning to Increase Productivity

Most people say that they want to be more productive, but they’re not always sure how to make it happen. Sometimes it’s simply hard to keep up with the fast-paced demands of everyday life in the modern world. Whether an important work project has taken up...

Utilising Technology for Leadership

If you want to do things right, then management might be for you. On the other hand, if you want to do the right things, then you are a prime candidate for actual leadership opportunities.   Real leadership revolves around not just doing the right things but also...