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How To Inspire Leadership

Being a leader requires a different skill set from those required from a manager. A leader must do more than simply oversee the work of employees. He or she must be able to instill a sense of teamwork and enthusiasm for the job. A leader has to have the ability to...

Business Growth Hacks

In 1994, a then-young student of Swarthmore College - Justin Hall - created, the world's very first blog. Although Justin's post was just considered part of his personal website, it was retroactively named weblog in 1997. Today, blogs are one of the most...

Common Lies Leaders Tell Themselves

Effective leaders are not always born with that innate skill. To continually hone leadership skills, people must recognize the importance of always cultivating their trade. In addition to demonstrating honesty, integrity, and confidence in decision-making, successful...

Questions to Ask Yourself as a Leader

All leaders face many challenges when it comes to the daily operation of their business. To maintain their effectiveness as leaders, they must constantly examine themselves and their organizations, and they must ask themselves these four important questions on a...

Secrets to Growing Your Business

While it is common to assume that a company's growth is based on selling the perfect product at the right time, there is often more to it than that. In fact, there are several secrets that entrepreneurs should know about in hoping to expand their business. Here are...

The New Face of Business: Millennial Workforce

Have you been in a typical office setting lately? You may notice a few changes if you are older than, say, about 30 years old. Instead of individual office rooms your first view may be that of a cubicle farm. Instead of typical office conversation, you may notice...

Muhammad Babangida

Muhammad Babangida is an accomplished business executive with over 20 years of experience in the areas of education, security services, and banking.