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Accountability is delivering a commitment and being responsible for one doing. For any business to thrive, leaders must be accountable as well as inject accountability into their teams. A great way to enhance accountability in an organisation is by creating a corporate culture that promotes and nurtures accountability on all business levels.


Here are ways to promote employee accountability.


Establish Realistic Clear Goals


Most accountability issues arise from failing to define what is expected from individual team members. When holding an employee accountable, the desired outcome should be clearly defined from the beginning, and there should be a defined way to measure accountability.


The desired outcomes should be pursued in collaboration with other team members. Leaders should ensure that the results are attainable and measurable. Additionally, managers should encourage progress reports to keep everyone on track. During regular check-in, the manager should let the employees know project status and whether they are close or far to hit the predetermined goal. If the team is not on track, the manager should identify the stumbling blocks.


Provide Resources


Managers should ensure that employees have all the resources they need to achieve the set goals. If an employee doesn’t have the necessary skills to complete a task, the manager should consider reassigning; otherwise, they will be setting them up for failure.


Strengthen Connection


Connecting employees to the tasks they are handling is a great way of encouraging accountability. A manager can choose to connect team members with broader organisational goals to know how they contribute to achieving these goals. Also, a leader can connect employees with their personal goals by connecting how being successful in their current pursuit can help them achieve their professional goals.


Always Give Feedback


Constructive feedback has numerous employee benefits. Before holding employees accountable, let them know their strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, it is prudent for managers to communicate frequently and in a transparent way. Positive feedback can motivate employees to keep pursuing organisational goals.


Don’t Cultivate Fear


Causing fear in the workplace can give short term results but cannot foster accountability. If employees fear backlash from their managers, they are less likely to ask for help. Instead, adopt positive criticism and normalise acknowledging good deeds.