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How to Avoid a Negative Approach to Productivity

Maintaining a positive approach to productivity is essential for fostering a healthy work environment and achieving sustainable success. A negative approach to productivity can lead to burnout, decreased morale, and suboptimal performance.  To avoid falling into this...

Why You Need to Believe in Your Employees

Believing in your employees is not just a feel-good sentiment; it’s a strategic approach that can drive organizational success and foster a thriving work environment. When leaders genuinely believe in their employees’ potential, abilities, and...

Preventing Burnout When Looking for a New Job

Whether you’re looking for a new job due to necessity or choice, it can be challenging to keep up the search. The constant stress of being unemployed can lead to burnout, forcing you to abandon your search. Before feeling defeated, try implementing new...

Impressing Your Employers in Your First Month

It can be very challenging to start a new job. Even though you may have the necessary skills and qualifications, it’s still important to prove yourself to your new colleagues and supervisor. Be Present According to Kvantum Inc’s CEO and co-founder, Shilpi...

Leadership in an Uncertain Economy

Thanks to the booming economic growth since the Great Recession, many people in tech jobs have not experienced a natural economic decline. This means that they are well-positioned to lead in an uncertain economy.   Due to the potential impact of another...