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Does Anything Compare to In-Person Meetings?

Face-to-face relationships are essential for several reasons, not least because they provide valuable opportunities to build trust and strengthen ties. They also deepen the sense of shared history and make collaboration easier. A study published in the Journal of...

How to Cut Ties Virtually but Gracefully

You want to be on the right side of things when it comes to business. You don’t want to offend people or make them mad. However, sometimes that’s not possible. It can be hard to know what to do when it comes to cutting ties with employees for the sake of your...

Business Networking Groups for Women

As a woman entrepreneur, you need networking and interacting face-to-face with other entrepreneurs to grow your business. For example, you can join Professional Women’s Network, a platform that connects women from all over the world, share their ideas online,...

Types of Business Bankruptcy

When you are operating a business, there is always the possibility that it could collapse. While small businesses are more likely to fail than large ones, any amount of debt can cause problems in difficult economic times or when your company makes an error that puts...