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Why Leadership Is an Act of Kindness

In a world full of disagreements, it’s hard to implement kindness. We witness celebrities arguing with each other in reality Tv shows every day. On social media, people label each other horrible names over small things like favorite sports teams, political...

How to Lead Through the Unknown

It’s not business as usual anymore. Things have changed considerably. Companies have altered their business model to adapt to uncertainty. For example, some companies have allowed their workers to continue working from home for another 6 months. To keep up with the...

How Effective Leaders Approach Their Purpose

During a pandemic, we can hardly run away from anxiety. Leaders feel that the chances of failure are higher and tend to adopt command and control leadership. Such leadership style is characterized by unrealistic targets, tight schedules, rigid budgets, and exaggerated...

How to Be a Visionary Leader and Maintain Your Personal Boundaries

Great leaders have a vision for the future and know how to plan for the unexpected. They maintain well-established boundaries to help them live in peace.   There are multiple sides to leadership. There’s the corporate side everybody recognises and the family side...

Improving Leadership Skills

There’s a long-standing myth that leaders are born and not made. This simply isn’t true. With analysis, understanding and the right actions, anyone can improve their leadership abilities and outcomes. This knowledge is especially important for newly...