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It’s not as risky as it seems. Good communicators and adapters can succeed in any environment. Job moves that help expand a person’s experience and skills are less dangerous than staying in a restricted career box. In modern parlance, it is very worthwhile if a job change helps improve a brand’s image.

If you already have a strong brand with your current employer, which provides stability and potential growth opportunities. Moving on from that organization is something to take seriously. 

The most severe risks associated with changing jobs are usually triggered by the first 12-18 months of a new position. Short-term contracts can damage your brand. Before you decide to change careers, it’s essential to consider the various risks associated with the move.

The term job-hopper is usually associated with individuals who have been in their current position for less than 18 months. However, this should be fine for people who have been with their current organization for several years or have a long history of working at another company.

Sometimes, people want to leave their current position immediately due to various factors, such as a new boss, a merger, or a significant change in the company’s policies. However, doing so can quickly become a disaster if the new job doesn’t provide them with the necessary skills and experiences.

Too many lateral moves can also lead to falling behind the competition. If an individual decides to stay in the accounting field for a long time, they can expect to earn a high salary. However, if they move jobs often, they may make less than their counterparts at the same age.

One of the most common reasons why people leave their current positions is for higher compensation. Significant salary increases often justify leaving. However, if a new job isn’t challenging, being overpaid can prevent people from finding other opportunities. 

If people decide to stay put or change jobs due to short-term concerns about their financial situation, it can also affect their pay growth in the long run. 

If an individual’s performance at their current company qualifies them for advancement, political capital may help boost their chances. Job moves can potentially throw this away. It’s also possible to talk about potential opportunities with current employers. However, if the current boss doesn’t move anytime soon, it may be time to consider a move.

Both staying put and moving to a new job have risks and opportunities. Jumping into a new position too quickly can be detrimental to one’s career and learning. Also, staying in one company too long can be a problem due to an individual’s overestimation of the value of their current job.