Thanks to the booming economic growth since the Great Recession, many people in tech jobs have not experienced a natural economic decline. This means that they are well-positioned to lead in an uncertain economy. Due to the potential impact of another...
The term millennials have a lot of hyperbole surrounding it. Companies want to hire them, social media platforms want to monitor them, and the media tries to undermine them. Regardless of your generation, you’ll most likely be working for either a millennial or...
Your productivity may lag due to the amount of time you spend on various tasks, such as backing up data or responding to emails. This could be because you’re not finding the time to finish more work. Since you have only 24 hours a day, you must use every...
One of the most challenging skills to master is helping your team members tackle problems independently. Most managers will tell you they need too much hand-holding to keep track of their reports. They are most likely bailing out their workers by either getting too...
A survey shows over half of Americans are stressed out at work. The study found that over half of employees experience stress during at least 60 percent of their workweek. Work-related stress can have various health consequences, such as increasing the risk of...