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Being a leader requires a different skill set from those required from a manager. A leader must do more than simply oversee the work of employees. He or she must be able to instill a sense of teamwork and enthusiasm for the job. A leader has to have the ability to fill his subordinates with confidence, so they’ll feel encouraged to give that extra effort. That requires possessing some of these key traits.

The Courage to Confront New Challenges

Regardless of the field in which you work, as a leader, you’ll be expected to step up and tackle new challenges ahead of your team. Sharing how you face those challenges in regular meetings isn’t bravado, either. It’s setting an example for your team to emulate in how they meet challenges of their own.

Engender Trust

This means taking an interest in your employees, aside from their work performance. You don’t want to seem nosy or pushy, but do try to be interested. By showing that you pay attention to their personal lives, you can help your employees feel more welcome to open up to you. By the same token, try not to scold employees for mistakes. Instead, counsel them about the mistake and work together to correct it.

Be Yourself

Aside from adhering to a dress code, don’t try to present yourself in a different way. Don’t wear a suit, if that’s not something you normally do. Don’t dress down for casual Fridays, if that makes you uncomfortable. By being yourself, your employees will feel more comfortable in your presence and you’ll seem more authentic in their eyes.

Set a Good Example

Determine how you want your team to act and make an effort to embody those traits in your own actions. If you lead by example, your employees will begin to respect you more and will strive to follow your lead. This is an excellent way for you to instill a sense of pride in your team that will encourage them to improve their performance.

By adopting good leadership skills, you can mold your employees into a strong, efficient team. They will strive to work more efficiently because they feel supported and encouraged to succeed. This will help you to grow stronger as a leader, just as they evolve as a productive team.