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You want to be on the right side of things when it comes to business. You don’t want to offend people or make them mad. However, sometimes that’s not possible. It can be hard to know what to do when it comes to cutting ties with employees for the sake of your business. These are some ways you can cut ties with employees without making a scene and losing everyone you love at the same time.


Prepare Thoroughly

Before you cut ties with an employee, there are a few steps you need to take. First of all, plan who will deliver the sad news to the employees. The person then needs to give them a genuine reason for their termination, such as poor performance or unprofessional behavior. Make sure to be polite and kind when you do this since you’re not just cutting ties with an employee; you’re also firing a friend.


Have a Face-to-Face Conversation

Sometimes, the hardest thing to do is cut ties with an employee in person. You can’t just tell them over the phone that you need to let them go. It’s best to sit down and have a face-to-face conversation with them. This will allow you to express yourself more personally and be there for the people leaving because of your decision. The employees will also have a chance to ask any questions before leaving for good.


Coordinate the Time Carefully

It’s good to have a specific time for the event. This will let everyone know when the employee is leaving, and it will also make sure that they’re prepared for the day. If you don’t give them enough notice, this can be a real shock to them. If you keep this in mind, they won’t be surprised when they find out they’re being let go. The worst scenario is when employees try to access their accounts and can’t because they are out of the system and not yet notified.


Show Support

Even though an employee may be leaving because of the business, you should show that you’re still supporting them. You can do this by sending them a card or some gift. Even though they are no longer working for your business, it will let them know that you’re still on their side and that you care about their feelings as well.