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Earning Respect as a Young Leader

The rise of young professionals in the workplace has been attributed to various factors such as their increasing knowledge of technology and media, as well as their ability to adapt to work-life balance. There has also been a shift in roles away from traditional...

What Young Professionals Are Looking For in a Job: Part 2

In the last installment, we discussed millennials’ and Gen Zers’ expectations for work-life balance and ethical leadership when looking for a job. In the second part of this series, we’ll cover two more things these young professionals want to see in their...

What Young Professionals Are Looking For in a Job: Part 1

According to a study conducted by Gallup, the percentage of Gen Z and millennials in the workforce has increased significantly in the US, with these young professionals making up almost half of the workforce. This means that every organization should be asking its...

Timeless Advice for Leaders: Part 2

In this blog, we’re back with five more timeless pieces of advice for business leaders! If you missed the first part, click here. Don’t Neglect Your Team You have to put in the time and effort to be the best version of yourself, and this starts with investing in...

Timeless Advice for Leaders: Part 1

Being a leader is more than just managing a team. It’s a skill that requires a lifetime of learning and mastering. Despite the plethora of new and trendy advice for aspiring leaders, there are still some pieces of advice that will never get old. These are the things...

Maximizing Productivity in Your Workday

One of the most common goals of individuals is to increase their productivity. However, many of us don’t have a concrete plan in place to achieve this goal. Tony Robbins’ philosophy focuses on empowering people to make better use of their time. In this article,...