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Why Effective Leaders Often Listen More Than They Speak

When people think of great leaders, they often cite speeches these people gave. This makes it easy to associate leadership with talking. If you’re the boss, your team should listen to you.    And that’s true. You want your team to listen to you when you speak. ...

Great Leadership Podcasts

Podcasts have become one of the most popular forms of media entertainment in the world. They’re easy to listen to while you do other things such as driving or cleaning, and they can be educational, inspirational, or just plain old funny. One of the most appealing...

What Makes Up an Effective Leader?

A leader is someone that people look up to. Equally, a leader can’t be a leader without followers. In a simple sense, an effective leader needs to convince people to follow or support their ideas. However, effective leadership isn’t this simple.   ...

Things You Must Avoid When Facilitating Difficult Conversations

As a business owner, you’re going to deal with ups and downs throughout the lifetime of your business. Celebrations of growth and prosperity can surely be one of those moments you look forward to, but you will also experience some not so good times. The cutting...