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Easing the Transition Back to the Office

Easing the transition back to the office is all about understanding the needs of your employees for different work styles. It can be as simple as a change in décor or as complex as adjusting schedules or introducing flextime work options for work that can easily be...

How to Be a Visionary Leader and Maintain Your Personal Boundaries

Great leaders have a vision for the future and know how to plan for the unexpected. They maintain well-established boundaries to help them live in peace.   There are multiple sides to leadership. There’s the corporate side everybody recognises and the family side...

Improving Leadership Skills

There’s a long-standing myth that leaders are born and not made. This simply isn’t true. With analysis, understanding and the right actions, anyone can improve their leadership abilities and outcomes. This knowledge is especially important for newly...

Why Thanking Your Boss Showcases Leadership Skills

No matter what your work role is, you should always express your gratitude to those around you. This goes for the managers who oversee your work. If it isn’t easy for you to say thanks, read these three tips that can help.   1. Just do it!   Sometimes...

Why Empathy is Critical to Successful Leadership

The usual idea of what makes a leader is usually someone with confidence, authority, intelligence, someone who draws respect and leads decisively. However, in these uncertain times, the role of a leader has changed. The goal has been to grow profits and business...