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Can you be a successful business leader with ADHD? ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a mental condition that affects a person’s ability to pay attention, sit still, concentrate, and practice self-control. These may seem like negative traits that would work against someone in their professional career, but many people with ADHD have been very successful because of their medical condition, not in spite of it. Having ADHD doesn’t automatically give someone a weakness that works against them; it gives them traits that can be used to a person’s advantage and make them an outstanding leader. 


People with ADHD, for example, typically have an enormous amount of energy that they can put toward their work. Though people with ADHD have a tendency of getting distracted easily, they also have a lesser-known trait: hyperfixation. Hyperfixation means that the person with ADHD becomes extremely focused on the task in front of them to the point that nothing else matters so long as the task at hand gets done. Hyperfocusing on work tasks makes it easier for a person to lose track of time, yes, but it also helps the person with ADHD ignore everything else around them in favor of getting their assignments done quickly and efficiently.


If someone needs new ideas to help move a company forward, look no further than someone with ADHD. People with this condition typically have many, many thoughts bouncing around in their head with nowhere to put them. Having someone with ADHD in a leadership position or a position of responsibility will allow them to channel those new, creative ideas toward the company and often result in innovative ideas. It can also result in simple solutions that others might not have thought of before—many people with ADHD like to solve problems, and giving them a complicated problem can soon end in a simple solution to move the business forward and keep everything on track.


Due to their constant need for stimulation, many people with ADHD are extremely good at multitasking. Rather than finishing one thing at a time, leaders with ADHD will do more than one thing at a time; combining this trait with a limited attention span ends in multitasking that would render most people ineffective. This is a natural way of working for those with ADHD, though, so the tasks being accomplished at once will more often than not be quality work. 


ADHD doesn’t make a person weak or unable to complete tasks that their neurotypical counterparts can. Instead, they merely have a different way of accomplishing their assignments and working toward project completion. Having someone with ADHD on a team can lead to different perspectives and accomplishments that wouldn’t have been reached without them.