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One of the most valuable things a manager can do is delegate work. Doing so allows them to focus on more critical tasks and get involved in projects outside their usual position. Although managers need the necessary skills to delegate work, it can be hard to know what to do. This article will discuss tips to help you become a better delegator.

Decide What to Delegate

Some tasks, such as performance reviews, can only be delegated to you. Having the right talent and knowing the weaknesses of your team members will help you assign the appropriate tasks and make you a better delegator.

If there’s a project you’re not sure about that needs to be completed, or if you think someone else could do it better, delegate it to them. This will allow you to show appreciation for your team and show them that you’re willing to let them take on more challenging projects.

Be Willing to Let Go

It can be challenging for new managers and leaders to get used to delegating as they’re putting their own work at risk. They may feel responsible for the project’s outcome and connected to their work.

Although it’s essential to learn how to delegate, it’s also important to avoid being too comfortable when it comes to doing so. One of the most critical steps you should take is to practice giving small tasks to your team members so they can develop their skills. Doing so will allow you to allow them to improve their performance and take one more thing off your plate.

Know Employees’ Strengths

One of the most critical steps you should take is to practice giving small tasks to your team members so they can develop their skills. For instance, if a direct report wants to gain management experience, then they might be interested in supervising an intern or a well-defined project. Having the appropriate work can help your team members develop their professional development. It can also boost their motivation and make them more engaged in their work.

Keep Priority in Mind

Having a clear understanding of the various tasks that are important to you makes it easier to delegate. If a project is a high priority, you must get it done immediately, or if it requires a lot of time, you can either delegate or do it yourself. A clear understanding of the team’s goals and priorities can help you effectively prioritize and get the most out of your work. One of the most effective ways to organize all of your team’s work is by putting all of it into a project management tool. This will allow everyone to see who’s doing what and when.