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Great leaders have a vision for the future and know how to plan for the unexpected. They maintain well-established boundaries to help them live in peace.


There are multiple sides to leadership. There’s the corporate side everybody recognises and the family side that few people know about. A visionary leader has to achieve the appropriate balance between the two.


Astute leaders adopt the following strategies to maintain their boundaries and balance between work and family.


Honesty with Loved Ones


A visionary leader understands the expectations of his or her team and family members. He or she knows the family will require his or her time. To avoid disagreements, an astute leader will explain to the family why he or she has to be at work all the time.


Intelligent leaders employ honesty to gain common ground with their family members. They agree to respect each other’s time and support one another through everything. On his or her part, the leader has to honour all promises made to the family.


Delegate and Innovate


Visionary leaders should constantly be reinventing themselves to prevent boredom and laxity. There should be a thin line between results and emotions. A leader should never allow negative emotions to get the best of them.


Undertaking the same thing over and over again becomes repetitive and monotonous. However, those actions are necessary for the success of the business. A visionary leader will delegate mundane tasks and focus on other things so that they can remain productive. The other option is for the leader to discover a unique solution to a widespread problem. They can do this through innovation.


Setting Goals


A visionary leader will do what’s best for him or her. They will set professional goals for themselves. Since the leader and business are one, they’ll set goals to see the business grow and prosper.


The leader also thinks about his or her family because they complete him or her. Therefore, a visionary leader will have a plan for their family. They’ll do everything in their power to support their dependents.


A visionary leader also creates time for themselves. They have to eat healthily and exercise. They also have to do what they enjoy. That means creating time for their favourite activities.


By setting goals, a visionary leader maintains the boundaries between work, personal care, and family.