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Secrets to Growing Your Business

While it is common to assume that a company’s growth is based on selling the perfect product at the right time, there is often more to it than that. In fact, there are several secrets that entrepreneurs should know about in hoping to expand their business. Here...

The New Face of Business: Millennial Workforce

Have you been in a typical office setting lately? You may notice a few changes if you are older than, say, about 30 years old. Instead of individual office rooms your first view may be that of a cubicle farm. Instead of typical office conversation, you may notice...

Best Way to Make the Most of Your Meetings

Meetings are sometimes needed to inform, plan, assign tasks, move projects forward and to evaluate progress, but many people find meetings a colossal waste of time. It’s not unusual to observe people at meetings who look disinterested, or who use the time to...

Ways to Be a Better Business Without Spending Too Much

Businesses are constantly looking for ways to save money while increasing their profits. While this has proven to be a difficult balancing act, there are ways that businesses can achieve this goal. Here are some different strategies that businesses can use to enhance...

Taking a Step Back from Business For Family and Friends

It’s tough running your own business or going to a stressful job every day. Sometimes it might feel like, with everything going on, that there just isn’t time for the people that you care most about. It is tough, but it’s important to connect with...